martes, 19 de septiembre de 2006

Dos potencias cantan juntas, el cross over del año:

Se me hacen agua los oidos esperando escuchar las canciones que graban juntos...

Son lo mas, sepanlo...(gonza dame lo que ya sabes que, yo soy bono y vos billie joe, GUIÑO GUIÑO)

Me dan ganas de llorar de la emoción...

[...] U2 and Green Day have been working in London this week in preparation for the performance and the choice of The Skids song - expressing frustration but ending with a statement of resolve - is an apt one.

“One year later, people continue to be devastated by Katrina’s effects,” says Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong. “We hope that by collaborating with U2, we’ll remind the public that people of the Gulf Coast are still suffering and still need help to rebuild their lives.
“The Edge and Music Rising are providing support to schools, churches and musicians who lost everything in the storm, including their ability to make a living. We are honored to be asked and proud to be part of that.”

1 changuitos dejaron rastro...:

Anónimo dijo...

derided religions unnecessary waterloo theorists goalsafter fdjk pacific incoming walter barberino
lolikneri havaqatsu